If you’re a couple who are anything like us, you work a lot during the week, have somewhat conflicting schedules, and are always on the go. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle of everything.
It’s hard to believe that September will make FIVE years we have been married, and since we dated for two years as well, that’s a grand total of SEVEN years we’ve been a couple. WOW – time flies when you’re having FUN! BUT, no matter what we do, we try to make the most of every opportunity to spend time together. From walking together on a nice evening, to doing yard work, and even those dreaded grocery store trips.
No matter how busy you are, always make the most of even the little things in life when you have an opportunity to spend time TOGETHER!
Just a little something that we put together on a nice Kentucky evening… while playing around with our new camera and editing software. Hope y’all enjoy! – <3 A&J
So.. did you like our cute little video? (It makes us wish we were at the beach with our toes in the sand!!) How do you and your hubby or wifey make the most of the simple everyday things? Leave us a comment and let us know! We can’t wait to hear from y’all!